
I guess I will resurrect this beast.

New life. So here it is. I have stepped into a position that I never expected to hold. I had dinner tonight with my fellow laborers tonight. A wild turkey we cooks and I made the short walk from my room in the hotel to the house we were eating at. In that home pictures tied to memories in my youth stared back at me. It has always been a sadness of sorts knowing certain things will not be and that I have had to fully surrender them. Yet I fight to hold onto what I cannot and what (at this point) can never be (notice how I even now place a caveat to the statement of an absolute). If only it was known why I let it go...
While my thoughts lept there, you must understand that I do not live in those. It is no life at all to be stuck in a past or a future that migh be. We are made to live inbetween. The present. Certainly we must learn our lessons from the past (but we are to forget some of things because He is going to do a new work). Hope for the future (but not place our trust in it}. But above all our eyes should be focused in the person of Christ and through Him the task at hand.

It was an amazing night of fun, food and true fellowship. While I momentarily wished for a natural addition to our number, I left tonight feeling so truly blessed and I know that this place is home. These are the people I will live with and work for and while it is so very new, I have the peace of knowing that it is home and where I am supposed to be.