
Charlie Brown, Richmond, and deer...

If you have ever heard the opening lines to "A Charlie Brown Christmas" then you know how I have traditionally felt about Christmas. I was sitting at home last night and in between reading and sleeping, I watched the traditional Charlie Brown. This semester has been a very different one. They always are, but heading home this semester has actually felt "more right" than it ever has before. It was a longer drive than usual (by three hours) and the rain, snow, ice and sleet made the twelve (usually 8.5) hour drive especially draining. I am not the biggest fan of Richmond, but I was so excited to hit 295 at about 12am. I was really excited to see those green signs saying Richmond/Washington.
I did have that post that I wanted to write a while back about home. I have considered myself more of a nomad than someone with a home. I have never really ever gotten homesick. I have never really felt compelled to be "there". Yet, this year, home is home. That may not make sense to most, but maybe it will so some. I am happy to finally have felt that "I really want to go home" feeling.

SO I have covered Charlie Brown, Richmond...oh yeah the deer. Don't hate me, but I saw my first deer hit by a van right in front of us today. We were on the way back from Fredericksburg listening to Brian Regan (I finally hook-ed my parents) and we saw two deer start out onto 95. The first was hit really hard and the second made it. I was somewhat in shock, but I distinctly remember thinking, "Deer don't have feathers." I think it is really hilarious now. Certainly it is slightly morbid, but just so you know: Deer don't have feathers. Ask me about it later if you feel brave enough. Take Luck. And if I don't post 'til I get back to campus Happy Christ-year. Merry New-Mas. eh....Merry Christmas.

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