Love is a funny thing isn't it? We are told to do it. We chase it. We lay all at its alter. To me itmany times seems a cheap idol. Like it has lost its meaning or has had its meaning slandered. When someone says they are searching for love what do they mean? Often I feel as though the word love should be substituted with meaning or acceptance. We give ourselves in search for meaning and acceptance which are not love, just a clever cover for them. Don't get me wrong. I have loved one person so, for lack of a better word, purely it hurt. Holding onto her was not the good thin for her, so I surendered her reluctantly. A philosophical definition that has been consistantly held. It that Love is:
The desire for the good of the beloved.
The desire for union with the bloved.
I am asserting that a desire for the good must sometimes mean that our desire for union gets ruffed ("to play trump" using the word as reference to actually showing love/winning a card game) by the good of the beloved. So there is a heirarchy of those two "love" desires. It really stinks. Sometimes love must overcome our desires so that it can win. This can mean not being accepted. Not finding meaning there. I know it might be hard to swallow, and it has been at times for me, but meaning found in someone (short of Jesus Christ) is going to disappoint you. If you find your meaning in someone that fails you, have you lost your meaning? For so long I though I needed someone. I want someone, and hopefully I recognize that person and fight for her. I think I am starting to ramble, but my point is, when you find someone you care about deeply, dare I say love, who cares about you deeply and cares about you so much that they are willing to let you leave them for your own good (in spite of their deep love or you) ...well. What do you think? I think maybe you should hang onto them. This might be my justification of a past act. It could be my philosophy of Love. Or it could show my lack of fighting spirit for the ones I love. Or it could be my way of mourning. Or.... haha. Almost though i was going to keep going? Tell me what you think about any of this. The beauty of finals is to think about anything that does not have to do with what you should be doing: cramming/studying.
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